Our Values and Products
Our values and products
“The journey of a thousand miles begins with one step.”
Lao Tzu
We believe that we all need to make changes in how we live and how we buy, so that we can start to turn around the environmental degradation of our planet. We are committed to bringing about change, both in our own lives and supporting others to do so.
We are committed to only providing products that we have reviewed carefully to ensure maximum sustainability in terms of ingredients, impacts on biodiversity, carbon footprint, packaging, and disposal. None of our products will be tested on animals and we look for products with fair and ethically traded ingredients.
We understand there can be trade-offs in our choices and it is challenging to find solutions that tick all the sustainability boxes. And sometimes there is also debate even amongst environmental organisations about what the right choice is. We are committed to be completely open about such issues and to provide enough information to help our customers decide where these might be, from the packaging to the ingredients used. We have selected products on the basis of best available information, in discussion with suppliers, but we are committed to continuous and ongoing review of all of the products in our range.
We will promote the certifications we would expect in the products to show that they meet a level of sustainability standard and that they are cruelty free. However, we also believe that certification is only half of the story, and we will work with suppliers and manufacturers that, in addition to meeting standards set for them by certifying bodies are striving for continuous improvement throughout their whole production chains and setting themselves ambitious sustainability targets. Read more about the certifications you will find on our products here.
We are committed to helping all consumers make choices that are right for them. We understand that there are many reasons for buying or needing particular products, and we aim to offer choice, wherever you are on the journey towards sustainability. We will offer zero waste solutions, such as unwrapped soaps and shampoo bars, as well as alternatives (e.g. refillable liquid products) that can be considered as the ‘next best thing’.
We will only stock products where the packaging can be recycled either kerbside or through us.
We will re-use as much of the packaging that is sent to us by product manufacturers, when we are receiving goods.
We are always looking for feedback from our customers so if something concerns you about a brand or product we stock then please do get in touch and we will look into this for you.